Aftab took to Instagram to reveal the collaboration, sharing a candid black-and-white snapshot alongside Thompson. “Raat Ki Rani marks my venture into music videos, and with Tessa Thompson at the directorial helm, it’s bound to be a treat,” she expressed in her post.
Expressing admiration for Thompson, Aftab commented, “Her artistic vision and resilience are truly inspiring. This project holds immense significance for both of us, and I’m deeply grateful.” The eagerly awaited music video is set to premiere the following day.
Thompson reciprocated the sentiment by sharing Aftab’s announcement on her own Instagram Story, accompanied by a heartfelt message: “This caption resonated with me. Sending love to my fellow debutante, Arooj Aftab. Thank you for your trust.” The much-anticipated music video will debut on April 18 at 6:00 PM Pakistan Standard Time.
For Aftab, ‘Raat Ki Rani’ represents a pivotal moment in her career. Following her Grammy-winning track ‘Mohabbat,’ she continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Up next, Aftab is slated to grace the stage at the illustrious Glastonbury Festival in London this June.