Hina Dilpazeer, renowned for her role as Mumtaz, or Momo, in the popular sitcom Bulbulay, made a surprising revelation during a recent appearance on a Ramazan transmission that she is contractually bound against reprising her beloved role as Momo anywhere else, be it in on-screen projects or off-screen engagements such as events or award ceremonies.
Momo’s character in Bulbulay is a charming yet absent-minded elderly woman who frequently forgets names, including those of her own family members and common household items.
Her endearing mix-ups and mispronunciations have captured the hearts of audiences, with her trademark “oof” followed by a facepalm becoming a loved reaction on the show.
Dilpazeer expressed her situation, saying, “I have this in writing that I cannot do this character (Momo) anywhere else. Yes, I did a commercial where I asked for permission to play Momo and they said yes but it was just a commercial.”
Momo’s character has garnered a devoted following over the years, becoming one of Pakistani television’s most beloved and recognizable figures. Dilpazeer’s portrayal of Momo has played a pivotal role in Bulbulay’s success, with her comedic timing and antics endearing her to audiences of all demographics.
Reflecting on Momo’s enduring character, she credited the writer Ali Rehman for a brilliant character sketch but also acknowledged her shared comic chemistry with Nabeel.