Imran Khan’s ex-wife, Jemima Goldsmith, recently showcased her sons, Sulaiman Isa Khan and Qasim Khan, in their cricketing gear. She posted images and videos of them on Instagram, capturing their activities on and off the cricket field.
Goldsmith shared a video of Sulaiman Isa Khan, who is seen walking away from the pitch with his bat, while a camera captures the moment. The footage highlights his confidence and passion for cricket, a sport closely associated with his father’s legacy.
In a separate post, Goldsmith featured a photo of Qasim Khan, praising him as a “top fast bowler.” Beyond his cricketing pursuits, Qasim has ventured into technology, launching a platform designed to connect influencers with brands, showcasing his entrepreneurial skills.
These updates offer a glimpse into the diverse talents and achievements of Sulaiman and Qasim Khan, reflecting the broad interests and capabilities they’ve cultivated under the guidance of their well-known parents.