Renowned playwright Khalilur Rehman Qamar has come forward to clarify the circumstances surrounding an explicit video of him that recently surfaced on social media, alleging that it was part of a honey trap scheme orchestrated by a criminal gang.
In a recent interview, Qamar recounted the incident, revealing that he was abducted and forced at gunpoint to participate in the recording.
He explained that on the day of the abduction, he was coerced by two individuals into filming an explicit video with a woman named Amina Urooj. Qamar accused Urooj of being complicit in the scheme, stating that the gang forced him into making the video.
“They made me remove my shirt,” Qamar recounted. “They demanded I engage in indecent acts, but I resisted despite the immense pressure.” He added that after his refusal, the abductors did not persist.
Khalilur Rehman Qamar’s obscene leak video goes viral on social media
Qamar disclosed that he delayed filing a First Information Report (FIR) for five days due to severe mental distress. He mentioned that while he informed the police about the video, it was not included in the initial FIR.
The incident occurred on July 15, with the FIR being filed on July 21, 2024. According to the FIR, around midnight, a woman named Amina called Qamar from an unknown number, inviting him to discuss a drama project.
Upon arriving at her residence, he was ambushed by armed men who assaulted him, demanded money, and eventually left him in a deserted area.
Following the FIR, social media users questioned why Qamar visited the woman’s house at night. In a press conference with Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Operations, Qamar explained his actions.
He stated that due to a medical condition, he has been advised to avoid sunlight for the past five years, leading him to conduct most of his work at night. He emphasized that his nighttime meetings were not gender-specific and that he often met with people late at night due to his work schedule.